Being a christian and being saved, are two different things. Being saved is acknowledging the presence of God’s grace in your life and accepting it to take full charge, to changing you and to making you a better person, hence being saved by it. Few years ago, i experience the grace of God but didn’t surrender to it completely but instead i took it for granted and pretended it was normal, but it wasn’t, being saved by God’s grace is a big deal. And so after everything else failed, i went back to the fountain and went to seek God’s grace again and it’s in that time where it flooded my heart and filled me up with hunger and thirst to drink more and more from the fountain of perfect Grace. Since then i have never left and it does not make me a perfect person, it just makes me a deserving person through accepting to receive forgiveness through accepting and acknowledging my wrongs and letting him make them right through his mercy and love.
I made a decision to be completed by this amazing grace and also a sign representing the “”no turning back” point in my life. i had been set apart and i was not about to go back from where i came from. 2 weeks ago i accepted my commitment through getting baptized, of course getting baptized doesn’t make us saints or free us from sin but through the act, i buried my old self and accepted to be completely changed and made new by God’s grace which will leave in me through all the days of my life. I live as a reflection of how living in God’s way brings peace and stability of a high level into your life. Since i got saved a lot has changed, not in a physical way specifically but most importantly in a spiritual way( sense of understanding and all). These are the few advantages i can be able to thing about right now, but of course we all experience the Grace of God differently. But one thing in common with everyone who has accepted the grace in their life is experiencing the unending sense of belonging and being loved, which brings out the better version of ourselves. Contrary to being of the world, which brings a lot of frustrations and i am talking from first hand experience. I use to be the most frustrated person, and by the smallest thing, it was so bad, loosing my pen cover would drive every nerve in my body crazy. And of course frustration leads to anger which isn’t the prettiest of looks. But i realized that all that was a result of being independent of my situation, am not talking about the women Independence we as women strive for but the independence of not involving God to take care of our loads which by the way he instructed us to hand to him. But we instead fight for ourselves until we break ourselves.
Accepting his perfect Grace which is available to us 24/7 takes all that away and once again, i am talking from first hand experience. xx