I would sit down on some days and feel like i want to right something inspiring,something inside me wanted to share,so i'd turn to Facebook. but long statuses weren't my thing. i was more of a talking through pictures kind of person but of course the urge to share,my urge to share would rise. December 29th i wrote that on my Facebook page and i was surprised by the feedback, i was like hey people like this?interesting but i didn't proceed to posting more,UNFORTUNATELY..why?no idea
today morning the urge returned,i woke up and as i was looking through my snap chat stories up on the live stories,there was the "Get your pink on" where breast cancer survivors and others supporting the cancer survivors were doing the 5K MARATHON.
i was so moved and touched by that act of support which made me want to post something on my Facebook. page, and there it was.....
Support system
reason why i started blogging was to create a platform for my life experiences both the exciting ones.scary ones and interesting ones all which are true stories and face to face experiences which had an impact to my life and will carry on to have a positive effect to the future me. And of course my number one reason was for the support system that God gave me ,those who send encouraging messages through social media and everywhere else ,since i can't really go onto details over a Facebook post consider this as a detailed and specific information little place.
Sometimes i sit down and i think to myself,an my stories impact,touch or encourage some people out there?isn't everyone going through something tough of there own? but every story impact people differently and every story is encouraging in different ways and ones struggles are different in there so bottom like is every story is WORTH TELLING.
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