recently just realized that, I spent too much time and basically
half of my life aiming towards someone else’s dreams. I spent a long time
visualizing a life which was considered as “the norm”. But on my journey as a Christian seeking to see God’s hand in my
everyday life, I’ve come to realize that, what I wanted wasn’t what I was
designed for and that I don’t have to live according to the standards of this
world and what it calls “a normal life” because we are created for something
higher. I then, developed an attitude whereby I know and I understand that I
have to live for God’s plan and that plan has to be carried out eventually,
regardless of how long it takes. So how then does God’s plan start taking
action in your life? By
constantly following the Holy Spirit and what it leads your heart to doing. Being
on a daily walk, side by side with the Holy Spirit reveals a lot to you and you
grow to understand more. The Holy Spirit doesn’t lead you to the so called
“norm” but instead it wants to make an exception out of you. Society shouldn’t
control us to drifting us from our faith and what we believe in but instead we
should be controlled by the higher power which is none other than the Holy
The bible
says in John 14:17, “I will ask the father and he will give you another helper, who
will stay with you forever”. This
helper that we were fortune enough to be granted free of charge is the holy
spirit, which is appointed to guiding us each step of the way.
Thanks for the encouragement